ECC Game of the Week-Presenting Sponsor: East Lyme @ Killingly (Friday, 9/20)
The ECC Game of the Week Presenting Sponsor
The Eastern Connecticut Conference is excited to announce the first ever ECC Game of the Week Program. Through their partnership with SNSN, match ups between ECC member schools will be streamed weekly. Local businesses and professionals can support this great program while promoting your brand. The Game of the Week Title Sponsorship is limited to two non-competing companies/professionals per contest. For more information, contact NFP Sports at: engagement@nfpbrands.com / (888) 454-4NFP (637). To lock up this opportunity immediately, simply complete your purchase through this listing.
East Lyme Football @ Killingly High School
Friday, 9/20 @ 6:30PM
- Company Logo on Game of the Week graphic (to be displayed on ECC homepage & social media).
- Banner ad displayed throughout the Game of the Week broadcast.
- Company name mentioned throughout the Game of the Week broadcast.
- Live interview with Company representative during Game of the Week broadcast.
- Call to action offer promoted before, during and following the Game of the Week broadcast.
NFP Sports is proud to partner with the Eastern Connecticut Conference and SNSN, to offer exclusive sponsorship opportunities.
Got Questions or Need More Info? Contact NFP Sports at:
engagement@nfpbrands.com / (888) 454-4NFP (637)